Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2008 Unlockables
DS | Submitted by Beatznrice
See AlsoYu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2008 Cheats, Hints, Secrets, Cheat Codes for Nintendo DS - Cheating DomeYu-Gi-Oh! World Championship 2008 - Card Code Guide - DS - By nidoFraNYu-Gi-Oh World Championship 2008 Cheat Codes - Guidetonote.comCard Passwords
You must already own the card in game for the passwords to work.
34541863 - "A" Cell Breeding Device
64163367 - "A" Cell Incubator
73262676 - "A" Cell Scatter Burst
Raigeki - 12580477
Flute of Summoning Dragon - 43973174
SkyScraper 2 Hero City - 47596607
Bubble Shuffle - 61968753
Magic Cylinder - 62279055
SkyScraper - 63035430
67048711 - 7
23771716 - 7 Colored Fish
86198326 - 7 Completed
Elemental Hero WildHeart - 86188410
Malevolent Nuzzler - 99597615
24140059 - A Cat of Ill Omen
49140998 - A Feather of the Phoenix
68170903 - A Feint Plan
21597117 - A Hero Emerges
00295517 - A Legendary Ocean
05728014 - A Rival Appears!
28596933 - A Wingbeat of Giant Dragon
13026402 - A-Team: Trap Disposal Unit
27744077 - Absolute End
49771608 - Absorbing Kid from the Sky
18318842 - Abyss Soldier
89801755 - Abyssal Designator
98444741 - Accumulated Fortune
21323861 - Acid Rain
41356845 - Acid Trap Hole
41356845 - Acid Trap Hole
47372349 - Acrobat Monkey
62325062 - Adhesion Trap Hole
53828396 - Adhesive Explosive
46052429 - Advanced Ritual Art
47060347 - Aegis of Gaia
25345186 - After the Struggle
16135253 - Agido
18036057 - Airknight Parshath
48202661 - Aitsu
62437709 - Alien Grey
62315111 - Alien Hunter
38468214 - Alien Hypno
76573247 - Alien Infiltrator
99532708 - Alien Mars
24104865 - Alien Mother
58012107 - Alien Psychic
97127906 - Alien Shocktrooper
25920413 - Alien Skull
91070115 - Alien Telepath
98719226 - Alien Warrior
06150044 - Alkana Knight Joker
64428736 - Alligator's Sword
03366982 - Alligator's Sword Dragon
87257460 - Allure Queen LV3
23756165 - Allure Queen LV5
50140163 - Allure Queen LV7
99785935 - Alpha The Magnet Warrior
21070956 - Altar for Tribute
91869203 - Amazon Archer
17968114 - Amazon of the Seas
73574678 - Amazoness Blowpiper
29654737 - Amazoness Chain Master
55821894 - Amazoness Fighter
47480070 - Amazoness Paladin
81325903 - Amazoness Spellcaster
94004268 - Amazoness Swords Woman
10979723 - Amazoness Tiger
77972406 - Ambush Fangs
95174353 - Ameba
67371383 - Amphibian Beast
64342551 - Amphibious Burgoth MK-3
00303660 - Amplifier
05183693 - Amulet of Ambition
23927567 - An Owl of Luck
19763315 - An Unfortunate Report
34487429 - Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins
31557782 - Ancient Gear
10509340 - Ancient Gear Beast
80045583 - Ancient Gear Cannon
92001300 - Ancient Gear Castle
67829249 - Ancient Gear Drill
01953925 - Ancient Gear Engineer
04446672 - Ancient Gear Explosive
30435145 - Ancient Gear Factory
40830387 - Ancient Gear Fist
86321248 - Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Chimera
50933533 - Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon
83104731 - Ancient Gear Golem
39303359 - Ancient Gear Knight
56094445 - Ancient Gear Soldier
37457534 - Ancient Gear Tank
59811955 - Ancient Gear Workshop
54912977 - Ancient Lamp
10667321 - Ancient Rules
17092736 - Ancient Telescope
56784842 - Angel 07
34236961 - Ante
72150572 - Anti-Fusion Device
53112492 - Anti-Spell
58921041 - Anti-Spell Fragrance
09156135 - Apprentice Magician
48539234 - Appropriate
95132338 - Aqua Chorus
86164529 - Aqua Dragon
85639257 - Aqua Madoor
40916023 - Aqua Spirit
22377815 - Aquarian Alessa
05861892 - Arcana Force Extra - The Light Ruler
48675364 - Archfiend General
75889523 - Archfiend Marmot of Nefariousness
50287060 - Archfiend of Gilfer
22796548 - Archfiend's Oath
56246017 - Archfiend's Roar
90374791 - Armed Changer
59464593 - Armed Dragon LV10
00980973 - Armed Dragon LV3
46384672 - Armed Dragon LV5
73879377 - Armed Dragon LV7
09076207 - Armed Ninja
84430950 - Armed Samurai - Ben Kei
43378048 - Armityle the Chaos Phantom
79649195 - Armor Break
67159705 - Armored Cybern
36868108 - Armored Glass
15480588 - Armored Lizard
20277860 - Armored Zombie
69296555 - Array of Revealing Light
42364374 - Arsenal Bug
55348096 - Arsenal Robber
62633180 - Assault on GHQ
37053801 - Astral Barrier
02134346 - Asura Priest
63689843 - Attack and Receive
37970940 - Aussa the Earth Charmer
71453557 - Autonomous Action Unit
84914462 - Axe Dragonute
40619825 - Axe of Despair
40619825 - Axe of Despair
40619825 - Axe of Despair
48305635 - Axe Raider
11901678 - B. Skull Dragon
88819587 - Baby Dragon
36042004 - Babycerasarus
47453433 - Back to Square One
82705573 - Backfire
32603633 - Backs to the Wall
36280194 - Backup Soldier
40633297 - Bad Reaction to Simochi
07165085 - Bait Doll
00242146 - Ballista of Rampart Smashing
61528025 - Banisher of the Light
94853057 - Banisher of the Radiance
10012614 - Banner of Courage
41925941 - Bark of Dark Ruler
86325596 - Baron of The Fiend Sword
86325596 - Baron of the Fiend Sword
78783370 - Barrel Behind the Door
81480460 - Barrel Dragon
84478195 - Barrier Statue of the Abyss
19740112 - Barrier Statue of the Drought
46145256 - Barrier Statue of the Heavens
47961808 - Barrier Statue of the Inferno
73356503 - Barrier Statue of the Stormwinds
10963799 - Barrier Statue of the Torrent
89091579 - Basic Insect
61181383 - Battery Charger
63142001 - Batteryman AA
19733961 - Batteryman C
55401221 - Batteryman D
05053103 - Battle Ox
18246479 - Battle Steer
55550921 - Battle Warrior
94463200 - Battle-Scarred
46009906 - Beast Fangs
78651105 - Beast King Barbaros
35149085 - Beast Soul Swap
99426834 - Beastking of the Swamps
81933259 - Beastly Mirror Ritual
16899564 - Beautiful Headhuntress
32452818 - Beaver Warrior
16255442 - Beckoning Light
49522489 - Beelze Frog
20374520 - Begone, Knave!
33731070 - Beiige, Vanguard of Dark World
77207191 - Berfomet
39168895 - Berserk Gorilla
39256679 - Beta The Magnet Warrior
25655502 - Bickuribox
61127349 - Big Bang Shot
95472621 - Big Burn
84808313 - Big Evolution Pill
16768387 - Big Eye
53606874 - Big Insect
42129512 - Big Koala
65240384 - Big Shield Gardna
51562916 - Big Wave Small Wave
45547649 - Birdface
35539880 - Birthright
50323155 - Black Horn of Heaven
41426869 - Black Illusion Ritual
55761792 - Black Luster Ritual
05405694 - Black Luster Soldier
72989439 - Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
76792184 - Black Magic Ritual
65169794 - Black Pendant
90654356 - Black Ptera
79409334 - Black Stego
38670435 - Black Tyranno
87564352 - Blackland Fire Dragon
39507162 - Blade Knight
97023549 - Blade Skater
28470714 - Bladefly
11685347 - Blast Asmodian
89041555 - Blast Held by a Tribute
21051146 - Blast Magician
26302522 - Blast Sphere
98239899 - Blast with Chain
99788587 - Blasting Fuse
21466326 - Blasting the Ruins
69537999 - Blaze Accelerator
16984449 - Blazewing Butterfly
05464695 - Blazing Inpachi
30653113 - Blessings of the Nile
23995346 - Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon
89631139 - Blue Eyes White Dragon
80906030 - Blue Eyes White Dragon (alternate art)
20871001 - Blue Medicine
53183600 - Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon
23995346 - Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon
38699854 - Book of Taiyou
29401950 - Bottomless Trap Hole
16507828 - Bracchio-raidus
87910978 - Brain Control
20101223 - Breath of Light
82878489 - Bright Castle
41587307 - Broken Bamboo Sword
24294108 - Burning Land
18937875 - Burning Spear
17655904 - Burst Stream of Destruction
84740193 - Buster Rancher
97077563 - Call of the Haunted
11384280 - Cannon Soldier
72892473 - Card Destruction
42664989 - Card of Sanctity
12183332 - Card Shuffle
00062121 - Castle of Dark Illusions
44209392 - Castle Walls
95727991 - Catapult Turtle
36468556 - Ceasefire
91152256 - Celtic Guardian
51394546 - Cemetery Bomb
28106077 - Cestus of Dagla
01248895 - Chain Destruction
51449743 - Chain Detonation
79323590 - Chain Energy
44430454 - Chamberlain of the Six Samurai
04031928 - Change of Heart
72630549 - Chaos Command Magician
61044390 - Chaos End
97439308 - Chaos Greed
04796100 - Chimera the Flying Mythical Beast
64599569 - Chimeratech Overdragon
81380218 - Chorus of Sanctuary
17363041 - Chrysalis Chicky
40240595 - Cocoon of Evolution
80368942 - Cocoon Party
65830223 - Coffin Seller
60682203 - Cold Wave
62966332 - Convulsion of Nature
38999506 - Cosmo Queen
74458486 - Covering Fire
93889755 - Crass Clown
38289717 - Crawling Dragon #2
46696593 - Crimson Sunbird
57728570 - Crush Card Virus
95326659 - Crystal Beacon
69937550 - Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth
32933942 - Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat
21698716 - Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle
68215963 - Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise
32710364 - Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle
07093411 - Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus
95600067 - Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger
08275702 - Crystal Promise
96331676 - Crystal Raigeki
27178262 - Cunning of the Six Samurai
70095154 - Cyber Dragon
01546123 - Cyber End Dragon
34124316 - Cyber Jar
39978267 - Cyber Raider
63224564 - Cyber Shield
74157028 - Cyber Twin Dragon
48766543 - Cyber-Tech Alligator
37043180 - D.D. Warrior
72520073 - Dark Artist
21417692 - Dark Elf
04614116 - Dark Energy
90928333 - Dark Factory of Mass Production
94820406 - Dark Fusion
90980792 - Dark Jeroid
99789342 - Dark Magic Curtain
46986414 - Dark Magician
38033121 - Dark Magician Girl
40737112 - Dark Magician of Chaos
97642679 - Dark Master - Zorc
74713516 - Dark Mimic LV1
01102515 - Dark Mimic LV3
31829185 - Dark Necrofear
99261403 - Dark Rabbit
85562745 - Dark Room of Nightmare
24857466 - Dark Ruler Vandalgyon
92377303 - Dark Sage
47233801 - Dark Snake Syndrome
45895206 - Dark-Piercing Light
95286165 - De-Fusion
19159413 - De-Spell
54591086 - De-Spell Germ Weapon
02732323 - Decoy Dragon
72426662 - Demise, King of Armageddon
17132130 - Destiny Hero - Dogma
40591390 - Destiny Hero - Dreadmaster
73481154 - Destroyer Golem
84257639 - Dian Keto the Cure Master
83241722 - Dice Re-Roll
11961740 - Different Dimension Capsule
50939127 - Different Dimension Dragon
56460688 - Different Dimension Gate
70342110 - Dimensional Prison
22959079 - Dimensionhole
24623598 - Disappear
49010598 - Divine Wrath
74701381 - DNA Surgery
76922029 - Don Zaloog
44436472 - Double Coston
03682106 - Double Snare
24096228 - Double Spell
16435215 - Dragged Down into the Grave
50045299 - Dragon Capture Jar
88733579 - Drill Bug
21844576 - Elemental Hero Avian
59793705 - Elemental Hero Bladedge
79979666 - Elemental Hero Bubbleman
58932615 - Elemental Hero Burstinatrix
84327329 - Elemental Hero Clayman
41517968 - Elemental Hero Darkbright
35809262 - Elemental Hero Flame Wingman
81566151 - Elemental Hero Flare Neos
14225239 - Elemental Hero Mariner
81003500 - Elemental Hero Necroid Shaman
05285665 - Elemental Hero Neo Bubbleman
89943723 - Elemental Hero Neos
69884162 - Elemental Hero Neos Alius
37195861 - Elemental Hero Ocean
41436536 - Elemental Hero Pheonix Enforcer
47737087 - Elemental Hero Rampart Blaster
20721928 - Elemental Hero Sparkman
40044918 - Elemental Hero Stratos
61204971 - Elemental Hero Thunder Giant
55615891 - Elemental Hero Wild Wingman
10526791 - Elemental Hero Wildedge
38280762 - Enishi, Shien's Chancellor
58332301 - Evil Hero Dark Gaia
95943058 - Evil Hero Infernal Gainer
21947653 - Evil Hero Lightning Golem
13893596 - Exodius the Ultimate Forbidden One
55737443 - Exxod, Master of The Guard
55428811 - Fifth Hope
77565204 - Future Fusion
06368038 - Gaia the fierce Knight
30190809 - Gear Golem the Moving Fortress
00423705 - Gearfried the Iron Knight
80306040 - Goblin Elite Attack Force
27408609 - Golden Humunculus
44330098 - Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
74137509 - Graceful Dice
74137509 - Graceful Dice
83039729 - Grandmaster of the Six Samurai
63176202 - Great Shogun Shien
75732622 - Grinder Golem
40659562 - Guardian Sphinx
07089711 - Hane-Hane
54493213 - Helios - The Primordial Sun
80887952 - Helios Duo Megistus
17286057 - Helios Tris Megistus
75830094 - Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV4
11224103 - Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV6
48229808 - Horus the Black Flame Dragon LV8
23309606 - Infernal Incinerator
56647086 - Invader of Darkness
52675689 - Invitation to a dark sleep
79109599 - King of the swamp
47297616 - Light and Darkness Dragon
11471117 - Light Laser
69162969 - Lightning Vortex
95701283 - Majestic Mech - Goryu
06137095 - Malfunction
31305911 - Marshmallon
66865880 - Marshmallon Glasses
02460565 - Maruading Captain
68540058 - Metalmorph
43452193 - Mirror Gate
43040603 - Monster Gate
83764718 - Monster Reborn
18161786 - Mystic Plazma Zone
05318639 - Mystical Space Typhoon
04906301 - Necro Gardna
14315573 - Negate attack
50930991 - Neo the Magic Swordsman
54959865 - Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird
17955766 - Neo-Spacian Aqua Dolphin
89621922 - Neo-Spacian Flare Scarab
17732278 - Neo-Spacian Glow Moss
80344569 - Neo-Spacian Grand Mole
78734254 - Neo-Spacian Marine Dolphin
13857930 - Neo-Spacian Twinkle Moss
10485110 - Ocean Dragon Lord - Neo-Daedalus
19523799 - Ookazi
18891691 - Perfect Machine King
74270067 - Pikeru's Circle of Enchantment
24094653 - Polymerization
75917088 - Princess Pikeru
79856792 - Rainbow Dragon
71564252 - Raiou the Thunder King
73125233 - Raiza the Storm Monarch
58577036 - Reasoning
38199696 - Red Medicine
38199696 - Red Medicine
96561011 - Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon
70821187 - Regenerating Mummy
99458769 - Reign-Beaux, Overlord of Dark World
22589918 - Reload
46427957 - Ruin, Queen of Oblivion
02964201 - Ryu-Ran
13604200 - Sage's Stone
16222645 - Sasuke Samurai
11760174 - Sasuke Samurai #2
77379481 - Sasuke Samurai #3
64538655 - Sasuke Samurai #4
30683373 - Shield Crush
55713623 - Shrink
14989021 - Simorgh, Bird of Divinity
78636495 - Slate Warrior
53239672 - Spirit Barrier
65685470 - Spirit of the Six Samurai
31812496 - Stone Statue of The Aztecs
85520851 - Super Conductor Tyranno
16589042 - Swift Gaia the Fierce Knight
72302403 - Swords of Revealing Light
50005633 - Swordstalker
50005633 - Swordstalker
41142615 - The Cheerful Coffin
61505339 - The Creator
27782503 - The Six Samurai - Irou
90397988 - The Six Samurai - Kamon
31209181 - The Six Samurai - Nisashi
64398890 - The Six Samurai - Yaichi
69025477 - The Six Samurai - Yariza
95519486 - The Six Samurai - Zanji
21208154 - The Wicked Avatar
62180201 - The Wicked Dreadroot
57793869 - The Wicked Eraser
46461247 - Trap Master
07602840 - UFOroid
80604091 - Ultimate Offering
15894048 - Ultimate Tyranno
06007213 - Uria, Lord of Searing Flames
51638941 - V-Tiger Jet
22056710 - Vampire Genesis
26495087 - Vampire Lady
53839837 - Vampire Lord
72634965 - Vanity's Ruler
44910027 - Victory Dragon
93151201 - Vortex Kong
58859575 - VW-Tiger Catapult
84243274 - VWXYZ-Dragon Catapult Cannon
96300057 - W-Wing Catapult
12607053 - Waboku
17078030 - Wall of Revealing Light
62651957 - X-Head Cannon
02111707 - XY-Dragon Cannon
91998119 - XYZ-Dragon Cannon
99724761 - XZ-Tank Cannon
65622692 - Y-Dragon Head
59197169 - Yami
25119460 - YZ-Tank Dragon
64500000 - Z-Metal TankDS | Submitted by XxXTemariXxX
How to Unlock Dark Magician Girl in Vs
First you have to give Pirkeru (the girl in pink), shes in world 1, a Kuriboh. Anyways, give her the Kuriboh then duel someone about three times and she'll appear in black. Duel and beat her 5 times and you unlock Dark Magician Girl!
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