

This page has all the best search sites on the internet - just one click away - general internet search, academic search, research database links, and more...


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search engines


GOOGLE the best and most popular search engine

     GOOGLE ADVANCED SEARCH search by exact word or phrase, date range, specific website, reading level, language, and more
     GOOGLE IMAGE SEARCH search for pictures - click "search tools" on your results page to choose size, file type, etc.
     GOOGLE MAPS search for any place - country, state, city, specific address

BING Microsoft's competitor to Google search

DUCKDUCKGO good search engine that does not track user's Internet activity

WOLFRAM ALPHA computational knowledge engine - do math, find facts, get information on countless topics



academic search


GOOGLE SCHOLAR search academic journals and books for quality research sources

GOOGLE BOOKS - SEARCH search for books related to your research topic, read online or borrow at a local library

     GOOGLE BOOKS - ADVANCED SEARCH advanced search options for Google Books



online libraries

INTERNET PUBLIC LIBRARY read 10's of thousands of academic essays and research
OPEN LIBRARY sign up for free to digitally check out millions of online books
PROJECT GUTENBERG read over 70,000 free ebooks




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